THE BENEVOLENCE COMMITTEE OF FTCC has devised a means of promoting the benevolent work of the Church. The committee determines the causes to be aided and apportions such monies designated for benevolent purposes. Each month we highlight a charity and provide a financial donation to assist its cause.
PARISH RELIEF FUND was created to assist FTCC members in an emergency.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND provides financial scholarships to high school graduates and continuing college students.
The Christian Ministries in Our Community
Music Ministry
We have choirs for ages 3 to 103!
Our Chancel Choir blesses us each Sunday during our 11:00 AM service.
A remarkable set of voices you must come and experience.
We also have our Children's Choir, which sings multiple times throughout the year.

Sunday School from 4 y/o - 104 y/o
Our Sunday Schools meets at 9:30 before the worship service.
Adult Sunday School is on Zoom and in Person!
Zoom Link:
https://zoom.us/j/96286006608 Access code / ID: 962 8600 6608
Children Sunday School in person only at 9:30 Am
Men's Christian Fellowship in Recess
Our mission is "to provide spiritual support and to promote Christian encouragement to all men; to defend and to uphold the laws of the church; to rise at all times to the needs of this church and its community; and to fellowship one with another, in Christ, in the true spirit of brotherhood."
In addition to selected social activities, the Men's Christian Fellowship hosts the Annual Mother's Day Brunch. It organizes the Annual Men's Retreat held in the Fall of every year.

Vacation Bible School
During the summer, we hold a two-week-long Vacation Bible School (VBS) for children aged 3 -1 2, where we share the word of God in a way that is geared towards young people.
There is only a $25 registration fee for the 2 weeks!
Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry of Flatbush-Tompkins is an integral aspect of the life of the Church. The women's presence is especially felt in Bible study, the Intercessory Prayer Group & fundraising.
Group Meetings are in recess at this time.

Youth Group
Our high school students meet every Friday night from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM.
We welcome youth whether they attend the Church or not and aim to provide a positive, spiritually grounded Christian experience for all who attend.
Meetings are suspended due to COVID-19.

Community Outreach
Food Pantry
Open every fourth Saturday of the month from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
The Pantry is O P E N.

Alcoholics Anonymous/ Al-Anon
Meets on
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
In Person
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets on weekdays 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM -In Person
Each year we host a Holiday Luncheon for families in need.
We also host Scout Troop Meetings - meetings are suspended due to COVID-19.